Eric Baudelaire
After training as a social scientist, Eric Baudelaire (1973, Salt-Lake-City) established himself as a visual artist with a practice incorporating photography, printmaking and video, often focused on social and historical research. Since 2010, he has devoted himself more seriously to feature filmmaking. His films Also Known As Jihadi (2017), Letters to Max (2014), The Ugly One (2013) and The Anabasis of May and Fusako Shigenobu, Masao Adachi, and 27 Years Without Images (2011) have circulated widely in film festivals (FID Marseille, Locarno, Toronto, New York and Rotterdam film festivals). Baudelaire also integrates his films into broad exhibition projects incorporating prints, performance, publications, public programs and screenings, such as APRÈS at the Centre Pompidou, Paris, in 2017.
Après une formation en sociologie, Eric Baudelaire (1973, Salt-Lake-City) s’est établi comme artiste avec une pratique qui comprend la photographie, l’estampe et la vidéo et s’intéresse principalement aux recherches sociales et historiques. Depuis 2010, il se consacre plus sérieusement aux longs-métrages. Ses films Also Known As Jihadi (2017), Letters to Max (2014), The Ugly One (2013) et The Anabasis of May and Fusako Shigenobu, Masao Adachi, and 27 Years Without Images (2011) ont circulé largement dans les festivals (FID Marseille, Locarno, Toronto, New York et Rotterdam). Baudelaire intègre également ses films dans de plus vastes projets d’expositions qui réunissent estampes, performances, publications, programmations et projections, tels qu’APRÈS au Centre Pompidou en 2017.